Thursday, December 20, 2012

'Tis the Season for Productivity!

What I'm bumpin': This section is closed till after Dec. 25th 

Productivity: the act of getting stuffs done

I've never been much of a list maker. I don't use planners and calendars. It's just not a very "Katie" thing. I have mentioned previously in a blog that I like to procrastinate because I work best under the pressure of approaching deadlines. However, this bucket list thing has put me into a list making mood. So that brings me to an apology. I have been so busy marking things off my "before Christmas" list that I have neglected to blog. Although, ironically, blogging was on the list that started all the lists.

That's right, I'm too busy completing my list to complete my other list...So much productivity. 

So the other night I posted on Facebook that I marked something off my list, and I would blog soon. Well, maybe I should have said I would blog later. Anyway, here's my completed task: 

12. Print pictures for every frame I own.

Yes, that's right, no more empty frames or creepy stock photos only real people that I know. Boom. It made our apartment like 10 times more homey, and our apartment was already pretty dang homey if I say so myself. I might get more picture frames just because I love it so much. 

I have three things left on my "before Christmas" to-do list, so please don't give up on my blogging if I'm a little absent until after the holiday. I'm going to end this post now because I'm already bothered by the number of paragraphs in it, but I don't like big blocks of texts in blogs because it's really intimidating and can be hard to read. 

Patrick Star's to-do list

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Best Book I've Ever Read...

Bumpin': Christmas

Happenings: group projects, studying, brain deadness

Papers left: 0

Finals left: 3

Question: What is the BEST book you have ever read?

Do you watch the food channel? Probably not as much as I do, but that's beside the point.  They have this show called "The best thing I ever ate ______".  So basically they fill in the blank with some sort of food subject. Example: The best thing I ever ate sweet/cheesy/for breakfast. Then they get all these food experts on the show and talk about delicious food. Great show. This paragraph is not related to the purpose of this blog, but my question reminded me of this show.

Back to the purpose of my question. What is the BEST book you have ever read in your whole life? I need to know because I'm starting the reading quota of my Bucket List over Christmas Break. Now I set an extraordinarily low goal for this reading thing, but it's only because I want these books I read to be the 5 best books I've ever read. Well, at least in like the top 20.

The only requirements I set for these books is that they cannot be in any way related to school.  That doesn't mean they cannot be educational or meaningful. By all means, I would like to learn something and seek to do so with every item marked off my bucket list.

Please help me. I need help. I put some great titles below to help quick start your memory (and I have to have images in my blog to pin it on Pintrest. That reminds me, I've added images to all my blogs so you should go look at all the cuteness in old blogs.) Also, I have read these maybe choose the second best book you have read if  "your best book" is listed below ;-)


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Between now and Christmas Break

What I'm bumpin': It's still between Thanksgiving and Christmas, right? But really, it was 70something degrees outside today, and I had the Christmas tunes on as well as the air conditioning in my car.

College Kids

So I don't have a degree yet, but I think that I pretty much know the key to being successful in college, and here it goes:

1) Learn to read minds. Specifically professor's, but mind reading doesn't seem like all that bad of a skill just for life in general.
2) Learn how YOU study.

That's it. In reality though, the most important thing is to learn how your brain works. While this is a scary thing for most of us to be faced with, just do it. It will save you tons of study time.  I learn by hearing. With that being said, I absolutely MUST attend my classes.  I must hear and understand the words as they come out of my professor's mouth.  I use my textbooks to jog my memory, but if I just sat down and read my textbook cover to cover it would be a complete waste of time. This is not to say that I cannot read and understand.  For example, I enjoy reading novels (as I have previously blogged), but those are read for enjoyment. This may come as a shock, but my school books are not enjoyable to read.  And if necessary, I can learn a lot by reading my Finance book. It will be read out loud though, and it will not be the most efficient for ME to learn.

So what's the point? Am I admitting to not reading every word of my text books? Well, maybe. But more importantly, I just want to say that I don't agree with all those cliche "study tips" that everyone gives. For me, flash cards are a complete joke! For others, it's the basis for their knowledge of everything. Who's wrong? Nobody when we both ace the tests! I hate the "Don't Procrastinate" rule. My best work is always a product of procrastination. I work well under pressure. I'm not a high stress person, so sometime I need the panicky feeling that the test is in X number of hours in order to get my brain kicked into high gear.  Disclaimer: If you are a high stress person, do not procrastinate, really. It's bad.

Finally, I've received exactly one good exam tip in my whole life. Be worried enough about an exam to study, but have enough confidence to be able to perform well. If you find that balance, you will be a success!!

And here is a dog with a piece of pizza in it's mouth:

P.S. This dog looks just like my niece-dog, Chloe, but it's not.